Brian Stagoll
After leaving BHS,I went to Melbourne Uni. medical school where I didn't know anyone, and became rather alienated.After nearly failing first year, I found a place in the Labour Club, and joined in the student protests of the 60's. I finished med school in1968, and got married to Onella in my first year residency at Footscray Hospital. We soon departed to New York studying Psychiatry, and lived there 5 years until our first daughter was born. New York was a great experience and we flourished, and nearly stayed. We missed the excitements [and disappointments] of the Whitlam years, returning to melbourne in 1976. We moved to north Fitzroy where we have lived ever since, becoming deeply involved in community and political life. I worked for several years in Community Mental Health, eventually burning out ,and going into private practice. I helped set up the first family therapy institute in Australia, and was involved in teaching and writing for many years, before relocating to a solo practice in Fitzroy. In recent years I have consulted from the front room of our big old house , trying to retire. With Onella we have 3 daughters, and 4 grandchildren who all live nearby. We have a beach house at Merricks Beach which fills many great weekends. I am still very committed to causes of social justice and remain a true believer [and life member] of the ALP. Despite everything. I maintain similar illusions about Collingwood football club, and am just finishing a book about the history of Community Health in inner city Melbourne.
We have had great opportunities to travel, very meaningful work and a chance to contribute, marriage to a great woman who has made singular contributions to Womens' Health, and a wonderful family. The old resentments were left behind long ago and it has been a great privilege to help organise our 50 year reunion.