Balwyn High School 1957 to 1962 Reunion
Balwyn High School 1957 to 1962 Reunion
About our 50 year reunion
FEEDBACK on Get-together 27 October 2012
Photos from 2012 Reunion Dinner
Lost and Found
Students' Stories: What have you been doing for the past 50 years?"
Andy Blunden
Anne Hawker (Jubb)
Brian Stagoll
Diane Kerr (Davidson)
David Slater and Dorothy Fergusson
Carol Poon
Dorothy Vietz (Gibson)
Gerd Kratzer
Gisela Olbrich
Helen Vallack
Ian Priestly
Ian Stavely
John Sinclair
John Willis
Kath Semmel (McKay)
Lindsay Cook
Michael Alston
Otto Rehak
Pam Heath
Paul Barnard
Peter Barter
Peter Thomas
Peter Winford
Phyl Coath
Ray Walker
Robyn Dalziel
Roger Schnagl
Sue Foster (Jones)
Sylvia Garnham (Geddes)
Tim Green
Val Brooks (Bennett)
Warren Pill
Mac Ronen: A 1962 Teacher's Story
Photos and Memories of our time at BHS 1957 to 1962
Personal reminiscences
Brian Stagoll Memories
Gerd Kratzer
Kath Semmel (McKay)
Lindsay Cook Memories
Michael Alston
Paul Barnard
Peter Barter - Nostalgic Memories
Peter Thomas reflections on BHS
Sylvia Garnham (Geddes)
Val Brooks (Bennett)
1957 Group photos
1958 Group Photos
1959 Group photos
1960 Group Photos
1961 Group Photos
1962 Group photos
1963 Group Photo
'Feeder' Primary Schools
Biology Field Trip
Broken Hill and Canberra Excursions 1961 and 1962
School Social May 1962
1962 teachers
The Voice of the Three Per Cent
A student debate
Speech Night 1962 program
1962 School Statistics
'Organising mob' Contacts
Share your thoughts and comments Blog
14 July 2013 gathering
16 August 2014 Gathering
11 November 2017 Gathering
10 November 2018 Gathering
1962 Group photos
Extract from the 1962 school magazine: "Buchanan" (written by Brian Stagoll)
Extract from the 1962 school publication "Buchanan"